I am challenged to just be.
To just sit for hours under the shady mango tree and be.
To learn a new pace of life and understand
it is okay to just be
We don't always have to be doing something with our
minds or our hands.
It is acceptable by the LORD to just be.
Oh what a challenge it is.
The more our minds aren't occupied with busy work, the more we think.
We think about ourselves.
I think about myself.
You can't hide from self.
What am I doing?
Where is God taking me?
What is true 'sacrifice'?
What is God doing in my heart?
Why don't I feel my passion for Africa while I'm here, in the moment?
We are forced to think about questions we rarely truly answer (or want to answer).
How can I be more secure in my God and let Him love me just the way I am.
How do I just be?
Why does it put bear in my and resistance to think about just being, today.
It is hard.
The Lord is slowly shifting my view.
We are God's Beloved. So, be...LOVED!
-Journal Entry 3.02.10