So the past two weeks haven't exactly been a joyous ride. First I started out with a sore throat. It became worse and I knew I needed to go to the clinic because I could hardly swallow anything and my throat was full of red splotches and white dots. I still dont know if it was strep exactly. I went on antibiotics for a couple days and it was gone almost immediately. In another couple of days, it came back. I was a bit frustrated at this point because this was highly unexpected or needed. I went to the clinic again and they decided that they should give me antibiotics through an IV instead. I thought they were exaggerating for a sore throat but I let them do what they do. I did about three different dosages in two days for my throat. It took a little bit longer to go away this time and I was a bit worried, and a bit critical and judgmental towards the doctors here (or the Malian culture in general).
Fast forward to another half week later, I woke up and felt like i was hit by a truck. My body was so so exhausted and tired and I could hardly stand up and walk around. I wanted to sleep and lay down and couldn't wake up whatsoever. I took my temperature just to check and it ended up being a low fever. Uncle Joseph took me back to the clinic and they told me I had no fever (armpit vs. mouth). He said I was fine, until he took my blood pressure. It was 10/6 or (100/60). This is lower than normal especially for me. Apparently my body was very weak and that is why I was not able to move well or have any energy whatsoever. I hadn't eaten anything that day (it was just early afternoon) because I woke up late and wasn't hungry. They decided to put me on an IV for nutrition and other things. Even though my blood test for malaria came out negative, it can do that sometimes, there was a possibility I might have had a germ or so from that as well. So the assistant came to our house on the compound so I could lay on our couch and gave me the IV. The first two bags went really fast. The last one was big and only dripped every 3 seconds or so. It took all night to finish and I was sick of it. (Of course along with the IV I had terrible diarrhea, I know you wanted to know this!) Uncle Joseph made me eat, so I ate a couple bananas and maybe about an hour or so later I threw it all up. This wasn't the first time. They continually pushed me to eat because I had too much medication in my body and no food, but it frustrated me because even though they were telling me to eat because it was the right thing, I was still continually throwing it up a bit later! I was so miserable, and with no food in my body I couldn't even walk in the house by myself. When I immediately stood up, everything turned black and they literally had to haul me to the bathroom. At one point I blacked out and when I opened my eyes I was already down the hall and had puked all over my arm and the floor. How embarrassing in front of everyone. Uncle Joseph continually pushed me to eat as he would remind me about every 5 minutes to eat more, take more, put this in your mouth, you need more. Finally because of my throwing up, he went and bought me some medication to stop my body from resisting the food. It did its job but wow did that medicine burn in my veins! Marie (Matthew's mom) was there the whole time with me and she was so affectionate toward me. I feel like we have a great connection and it meant so much for her to sit with me on my bed and pull my hair back, rub my back, etc.
So the next day was Sunday. The assistant came at 9 to give me to the second dosage of meds but Uncle Joseph had called the doctor to explain what had happened last night. He wanted us to come back into the clinic, so we did. He did another quick physical exam on me and then gave me the anti-vomiting medicine again. It made me dizzy this time so I had to lay down. Then they checked me weight. Wow, I could not believe that I have lost 20+ lbs since February. Especially, off of my body, because thats the last thing I need. I have been very discouraged about this since. So I was given the same meds again through my IV and ate before they went through. This time things were going well. I had eaten chicken noodle soup, jello, small crackers...etc...then I had a drink of Fanta (bad idea) and up came everything I had just eaten. "Wow that was alot of work" I thought. "Now I have to eat all that over again!" The rest of the day sailed on slowly and I laid on my bed all day watching movies because I was so energy-less, my body was completely dead and I looked like it too. The next day I only went to the second half of class and then stayed inside much of the afternoon afterwards. Today I have felt so much better and I know its because of my family and friends in Christ i have on the other side of this planet!
Now I am just struggling with being content with where I'm at. Emotionally I am miserable and know Mali isn't where I will live in the future. Satan is good at taking me passions and desires and twisting them to make them look evil and miserable. How dare he! Mentally exhausted because of our homework and how hard it is to do in such a negative state of mind and body. Also, my body says "eat" but I say nothing sounds good, nothing tastes good (not even junk food), I dont have an appetite, blah blah, but I can't stand the fact that I've lost so much.
Thank you all for the support and prayer. (This is a bit detailed!)
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