27 April 2009

Funds are IN!

After getting back from an amazing weekend with my EDGE team for Mali in 2010, I decided to check my email. So I saw the title "OSO" which is the application I applied for to receive some financial support for my trip this summer. I thought maybe I would receive around $50-100 to help me out. Well, was I in for a surprise! A check is waiting with my name on it for an amount of $400. Yes, FOUR HUNDRED! God knew what I needed.

I asked.
I prayed.
I waited.
He supplied.
He provided.
His timing.

I am covered for my costs for Adventures in Missions (AIM), but am still seeking and praying for financial support for the rest of my costs including my ticket to ATL ($500) and my shots and pills (about $200). So I am one hundred over what I need for AIM, and don't have to even put in a worry about it. Wow God, how is it that you made me so confident in you? How did you teach me so well to trust you through these last tough months. Wow have I grown just in this experience, and I'm not even in Swaziland yet.

Jesus, I am so in awe of you. There is none like you...

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