03 October 2009

surrender all of it

The process of surrendering it all....
I'm not sure of how I feel about that at this moment. I've come to an understanding that we cannot be fully satisfied and filled with Christ until we surrender everything to Him. Not surrender in the way most people think---if i give this up now, you better give it back to me later. No. We are surrendering. Giving it up even if we don't get it back. I'm in the process of studying and surrendering an area of my life each week. Everything is included...you name it. Don't forget to ask God to reveal to you other areas as well; He did that immediately with me and these are just the few areas of my life-long process of surrendering ahead of me: friends, family, marriage, decisions, dreams, the mission field, etc.
This is just the beginning...stay updated for more :)

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