29 March 2009

answer to prayer

So I think sometimes friends are "Godsend." Does that make sense? Friends and mentors are put in our paths and different areas of our lives for certain reasons. I never knew exactly why I decided to lead the Urban Plunge. It was way out of my leadership gifts and I wonder why I even kept going because I did not have a passion for it, nor was I enjoying it. My heart just wasn't in it. Something I knew maybe I wasn't ready for. But, I met this cool guy the weekend I shadowed. He is part of the worship ministry for Angels on Wheels as well as runs his own website and prints a magazine now (I just found out about it a month ago) to raise money for an orphanage he wants to start back in the Philipines. How awesome! I have been so encouraged by him, especially after a hard weekend on the Plunge. So he asked me about Africa and asked if he could feature my mission trip and financial need in his magazine. And I was completely shocked and amazed. "Lord, is this where you're going to provide the rest of the support through?" So, now I am in a magazine!! Yeaaaa! Cool huh? Weird how God answers prayer. What a mystery...I'm sure praying the support comes in in the next 50 days! Please be praying for my team as well...Some of them just started raising support so they're a bit tight! God's got it under control though. If you would like to see my page, I can sure send it to you!

Remember, you can donate online at:
***Full Name: Amanda Lee Larsen
***Program: Real Life

Questions? Email me at alarsen07@yahoo.com

28 March 2009


Passion remakes a person into someone better. It guides them towards the desires God has given them or the lifestyle God has called them to. For me- it's Africa; it's orphans; it's human trafficking; it's missionary; it's Christ; it's culture; it's LOVE; it's uncomfortable; it's challenging; and it's just plain hard; it's seeing hope; it's stretching myself; it's potential; it's future. And yes, I still want it anyways.

Yes, I have redone my blog site- if you have been on it before, it is quite different. I am always inspired again and again and again.

It's those other desires that are even pushed out of the way for a passion to be used. For example marriage. I'm pretty sure every woman wants to marry in her lifetime, maybe start a family. Yet, I keep holding onto the completeness of Christ. The contentment in Him alone is what I strive for. Some times I don't even care if I won't get married or be called to stay single. I have one GIGANTIC passion and that is Africa. I just can't even explain it. I could try to explain it in words, but it wouldn't be good enough because only the heart can express true passion. Obsessed is the wrong word so don't even use that. God is just working His way through my heart and showing me what He wants for His Kingdom. What shall thee do for you?...is my question to you Heavenly Father. Don't get me wrong---being single is tough at times. Yet, there is so much freedom and we have a big calling in singleness because we can do so much more for our SAVIOR! Awesome, huh?

...Now think of your passion. Does it glorify God? Has it kept coming back into your heart for years and years?

...Now follow it...

22 March 2009


WOW! I can't believe we only have 6 weeks of school left...that is incredibly exciting. Yet, there is SO MUCH TO DO! Finals will definitely be hard...so I am not looking forward to that, but soon after we are done with school, like within weeks literally, I will be off to Africa! Wow, I can't believe I'm actually going! Jesus- this was my dream from years ago...and now you're taking me and leading the way! I am so honored and pleased to be loved by such an incredible God. A God who cares for all the personal matters on each of us besides everything horrible going on in the world. How amazing! I just want to SCREAM for joy! :)

Since I counted last, its about 57 days till my financial support is 100% due in my account with AIM. Yikes! But, all I need is $800 to cover that...and if i'm super blessed, maybe i will receive enough to pay for my Atlanta ticket and vaccines. That would be amazing if I could, since my parents paid out of pocket for those :S. My family is amazing, for those of you who don't know them! Again, God has everything in the world and can do ANYTHING! I trust He will provide everything I need for packing as well as being "heart-prepared".

Off to studying...