So for class we have to read a book called "Have We No Rights?" Basically, when one is on the mission field, as an American we think we have many rights- rights to comfort, privacy, time, etc. The next few days I will continue to post some great stuff I really enjoyed from the book! It is soo practical for every missionary.
A standard of living. What does that amount to? How important is it really? Does it matter if we sleep on the floor or in a bed? Does it matter if we eat with spoons or our fingers; wear silk or cotton; if we are poor or rich; eat rice or potatoes for dinner? Does it matter if we live in the way we are accustomed or adopt the way of living of those to whom we go?
It may matter to us. But what should be our attitude on the field? Should we try to conform to the way of life of the people as much as possible? "When we have become familiar with how they eat, how they sleep, how they work, how they play, what they like, what they dislike, what they hope, what they fear, how they think, how they feel- when we really understand them, then, and only then, will we be able to present the Gospel to them in an adequate way."
"I would love to live as the native do, if only I could; but I just can't take it!" Many say. We can gradually get used to things (over years time).
Other people's ways, standards, customs--do we want to like them? Or do we cling to our own because ours are "better?"
Right to Privacy:
"How can you find quiet time to even pray?"
"When things get too much for me, I just throw my apron over my head and I am all alone with the LORD."
How did Jesus react when He wanted to be alone but wherever He went there were multitudes? Was their anger in His heart? No, He welcomed them (Luke 9:11).
"If we belong to the day, if we are children of the light, why should any act of ours, or anything belonging to us, need to be hidden in the dark?"
"Let us remember, that people must come to know us before they can accept our message, or before our testimony has any value to them. Why should I desire to keep hidden anything that has to do with myself. If the sharing of that thing might help to draw someone to the Savior?" Eph 5:8 Remember, deny yourselves and pick up your cross DAILY!
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