Meet Oumou. This is the first time she slept on me all afternoon at tea. I smelled like b.o. and sweat the rest of the day. :) Her mom sits right outside our gate and sells peanuts with a bunch of other ladies. It has now become a continuous thing, for me to walk out and bring her in to hang with me. So here is how she works. She's a bit whiny and stubborn. She will not go to anyone else. Once she is sitting on my lap, Michenzie, Chris, or Courtney are considered "scarey" by Oumou. She screams and throws tantrums and elbows (Michenzie) if they try and take her away from me. It's hilarious! My thought was, "Yes, finally a child who loves me and no one else...just me!!" Yet that's not such a good thought. I had to let her follow me into the bathroom to pee otherwise she'd scream. Today she actually pulled my hand and walked me back to her mom outside the gate. It was so sweet. Tomorrow you will meet my bff from church! :D
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago