23 May 2009

siSwati language

So I'm trying to learn some siSwati phrases before I head to training camp next Friday. Hopefully I can learn some of their language and maybe that would influence them to think we really do care about people on the other side of the world. :) Here are some of the phrases:

Unjani?-------->How are you? (singular)
Ninjani?------->How are you? (plural)
Kusile------>Good Morning.
Ngiyabonga------------>Thank You
(U)ngubani ligama lakho?-------->What is your name?
Ligama lami ngu...---------->My name is...
Sala kahle------->Goodbye/Stay well
Hamba kahle-------->Go well
Ngiyaphila------->I am well
Ngidziniwe----->I am tired
Ngijabulile------->I am happy
Angiphili------>I am not well
Ncesi------->Sorry/Excuse me
Kulungile-------->It's okay
Ngicela uphindze------>Repeat please
Shano kancane, ngiyacela------->Say is slowly please

And of course there are a bunch more I could add. Hmmm...maybe I should make it my goal to know these and say these by the time I leave. What do you think? Oh yea, and I can't forget to start on my French lessons for my Mali 2010 Edge Team!


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